Cornelia Ras, 107-year old covid-19 survivor
A 107-year old Cornelia Ras has survived the coronavirus disease. This makes the Dutch woman, the oldest patient to recover from the deadly disease.
Cornelia beats previous record holder, 104-year old Bill Lapschies who survived World War II as well as the equally deadly Spanish Flu of 1918.
Born in Salem, United States of America in 1916, Lapschies first developed coronavirus symptoms on the 5th of March. She was hospitalised but later recovered. Her case was widely reported.
A dutch newspaper, AD reports that 107-year old Cornelia Ras took ill on the eve of her 107th birthday on March 17th. She had attended a church service alongside 40 other people. The other people tested positive to the disease wuhile at least 12 died.
Expressing her amazement to the Dutch newspaper, her niece Maaike de Groot said, “we did not expect her to survive this.
According to the Netherlands Institute for Public Health, total number of infections in the Netherlands is 21,762 with a total of 2,396 fatalities.