108-Year Old Woman Survives Covid19

108-Year Old Woman Survives Covid19

A 108-year old American woman, Sylvia Goldsholl has survived the dreaded coronavirus disease.

Goldsholl was diagnosed in April according to Phil Murphy, the governor of New Jersey. She is reported to have been living in a nursing home in Allendale, New Jersey when she contracted the virus.

Reports further say that Goldsholl is the oldest COVID19 patient in New Jersey for the disease that has claimed the lives of vibrant younger people.

According to governor Murphy, “Sylvia Goldsholl is 108 years old. Last month, she tested positive for covid19 and has beaten it.

He added that the 108-year old woman has “a tremendous life, a tremendous spirit and a tremendous show of strength. So, to you Sylvia, we send you all our best wishes for many ore years to come.”

The old lady is also reported to have survived the 1918 flu pandemic at the age of 7. A similar case is reported with Spain’s 113-yer old Maria Branyas who not only recovered from covid19 but survived the 1918 pandemic as well as the Spanish civil war.

News 12 reports the 108-year old woman as boasting that “I survived everything because I was determined to survive.

108-Year Old Woman Survives Covid19
Sylvia Goldsholls

Goldsholl’s fighting spirit and survival have offered hope of the aged surviving the virus disease. This dispels the belief that the young are more susceptible to survive.

US is now the country with the highest number of confirmed covid19 cases with over 1.4 million victims, according to Johns Hopkins University.

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