2 Nigerian Women Arrested in Italy After 20-Day-Old Baby D!ed from Home Circumcision

2 Nigerian Women Arrested in Italy After 20-Day-Old Baby D!ed from Home Circumcision


2 Nigerian women were on Monday, March 27, arrested by the Italian police, in connection with the d3ath of a 20-day-old Nigerian boy after a home circumcision. 

The incident occurred at Montecompatri, near Rome on Friday, March 24, 2023. 

According to Italian news agency, ANSA, the 2 women are charged with aggravated manslaughter and illegal exercise of a profession. 

Both women were taken to the Rome Rebibbia-Feminine pending investigation. 

The child’s mother is also being investigated on suspicion of conspiracy to commit manslaughter. 

According to the police, the baby’s parents rushed him to Tor Vergata Polyclinic on Friday after he started bleeding. Unfortunately, he arrived d3ad. 

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2 Nigerian Women Arrested in Italy After 20-Day-Old Baby D!ed from Home Circumcision