7 Members of 1 Family Die after Eating Street Suya

7 Members of 1 Family Die after Eating Street Suya

News - Women's Perspective

7 members of a family have been confirmed dead after eating street barbecue known as suya.

They are also said to have eaten it with some juice in Umueze Umuakanu Umuahia North Local Government Area of Abia State.

Reports say that the head of the house, a certain Mr Jessey bought the suya from a roadside vendor which all members of his family comprising extended family who were visiting on holidays consumed.

Hours after eating the barbecue, they are said to have started feeling sick and vomiting. This led to the death of 7 of of them.

7 Members of 1 Family Die after Eating Street Suya
7 Members of 1 Family Die after Eating Street Suya

Unconfirmed reports say that the suya may have been deliberately poisoned.

Mr Jessey’s wife, however, survived with his son and are currently receiving treatment at a hospital.

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7 members of a family have been confirmed dead after eating street barbecue known as suya.

Meat skewer