‘Absolutely Ridiculous !’ – Fr Oluoma Responds to Pastor Damina’s Claim of Two Jesuses


A Catholic priest based in Abuja, Rev. Fr. John Chinenye Oluoma, has strongly condemned Pastor Abel Damina’s claim that there are two Jesuses—one before and one after the resurrection.

Oluoma described the claim as totally”ridiculous.”

In a recent Facebook post, Fr. Oluoma emphasized that there is only one Jesus Christ, pointing to John 3:16, which speaks of God sending His “only begotten son” for the salvation of the world.

Fr. Oluoma clarified that the resurrection did not create a new nature or being for Jesus, nor did it make Him more divine. “He achieved everything about our redemption on the cross,” Fr. Oluoma explained, referencing John 19:30 where Jesus declared, “It is accomplished.”

He further stressed that the resurrection is simply a proof of Jesus’ divinity, rather than a transformative event that split Jesus into two distinct beings.

Fr. Oluoma drew on the teachings of Apostle Paul, who focused on the crucified Christ as the central message of salvation, citing 1 Corinthians 1:17-18. “Paul wouldn’t tolerate any teaching that separates Christ from the cross,” he added, underscoring the importance of Jesus’ death for redemption.

Addressing Damina’s claim, Fr. Oluoma explained that dividing Jesus into two is an ancient error, previously condemned by early Christian teachings.

Who is the liar, if not one who claims that Jesus is not the Christ?” he quoted from 1 John 2:22, labeling such ideas as “Luciferian gospel” and dismissing them as ignorant distortions of biblical truth.

Fr. Oluoma then warned believers against accepting any teaching that contradicts the Bible’s portrayal of Jesus as both fully divine and fully human, before and after His resurrection, asserting that such beliefs undermine the very foundation of Christianity.

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