Anambra Governor Lifts Lockdown, Human Exodus Scary !

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Anambra State Lifted the COVID19 lockdown on Sunday.

The highly commercial state saw a scary mass exodus of people who appear to be rushing to catch up on lost business days. Human traffic has unfortunately, not abated since then with crowds jostling and bumping into each other.

Sadly, Willy Obiano, the State Governor’s address did not emphasis the kind of strict social rules expected of a state as vibrant as his. His address gives the impression that citizens have absolutely nothing to worry about.

The message could readily be interpreted as directing that life should return to normal given that only one covid19 case was detected, successfully managed and discharged.

Willie Obano’s state-wide address:

“I am delighted to tell you that our index case has been discharged and has reunited with his family. I urge you not to fear but rather exercise your faith in God

“Following the outcome of all tests we have conducted so far and the cooperation we have received from our people in the past three weeks, all food markets, including restaurants and bars in Anambra State are to reopen for normal business with immediate effect.

The governor added that worship centres are free to reopen. He authorised places of worship to reopen. Unfortunately, his statement on social behaviour at worship centres was rather casual compared to Lagos and the world devastated cities.

According to him, “church leaders should decide how best to conduct mass and service in strict adherence to the principles of social distancing to ensure that worshippers are not endangered.”

Willie Obiano also said that “All food and drug markets in the state are to open with immediate effect.”

The only encouraging statement was that schools and ministries would remain closed.  In his words,

“When to re-open the schools as well as when civi servants will be allowed to go back to works will be announced soon.”

As the governor lifts the lock and considering the leeway given for business to return to work, the mass exodus of human beings on the streets becomes scary. Nigeria and indeed the world fear and hope that the the mishap in Kano where the governor equally lifted the lock down does not visit the people of Anambra State.