Nigeria Labour Congress Rejects Plans to Slash Salaries

NLC Rejects Electricity Price Hike

News - Women's Perspective

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has rejected any attempt to hike the price of electricity in the country.

Comrade Ayuba Wabba, NLC President cautioned the government against any such plans. According to him, Nigerians have been through some of the most difficult times in recent months. For him it is inconceivable that the Distribution Companies (DISCO) under the aegis of the Association of Nigerian Electricity Distributors (ANED) would make such moves.

The DISCOs recently attempted to commence a 100% increase in electricity tariffs. The same attempt was made in March but was vehemently rejected by the NLC.

In a press release issued 30th June, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) through Wabba said that Nigerians have gone through the most difficult socio-economic times stemming from the covid19 lockdowns. He added that any attempt to bring an increases in any public utility service including pump price of petrol or electricity tariff will continue to be rejected.

While thanking the Senate for throwing its weight behind the rejection of the price hike attempts, Wabba reminded the DISCOs that they were fully aware of the challenges with the power sector before subscribing to the privatisation agreements with the government.

In his words, “the NLC is fully ready to mobilise our people to resist attempts by anyone to impose modern-day slavet on Nigerians, be they DISCOs or Regulators of Public Utilities.

“We insist that further hike in tariff and user access charges at this time of great socio-economic dislocation would be ultra-insensitive, callous and a pre-meditated attempt to send Nigerians, workers, pensioners and businesses to untimely graves.

“In the interest of fairness, equity and justice, we demand that the DISCOs refund Nigerians all the estimated billings that had been unjustly collected from our people all these years. We also demand that DISCOs must pay consumers the cost that their inefficiency has imposed on citizens, residents and businesses. DISCOs must also repay bailout funds they had unjustly collected from public coffers.

NLC reminded the DISCOs that the “provision of pre-paid meters, transformers and investment in the power sector is statutorily the job of the DISCOs, not the consumers or the government. 

Ayuba added that recent moves by the electricity companies is an, “open admission by the DISCOs in Nigeria to their own grand incompetence and crass failure. 

He therefore called on Federal Government to “immediately set in motion, processes for the review of the power sector privatisation.

He conclude that “the leadership of the Nigerian Labour Congress reiterates its resolve to act on the side and in the interest of the Nigerian people, workers and pensioners always.”

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