Trump Wears Face Mask for the 1st Time

Trump Wears Face Mask for the 1st Time

Coronavirus Pandemic World

Donald Trump has been spotted wearing a face mask for the first time since the outbreak of COVID19 pandemic.

The American President had insisted he would not wear a face mask to public gatherings or press conferences. According to him, wearing a mask would make him appear weak and shift focus from the economy of the country to health crisis.

On Saturday however, on a helicopter flight from the White House to a military hospital, he adorned a black face masks along with his close aides.

He had gone to visit soldiers wounded in the field of battle as well as health care workers tending to covid19 patients.

Following the continued spike in the rate of infections in the US, medical practitioners other health experts and close aides have continued to urge the president to obey the rules given by his administration regarding covid19 social protocol.

Explaining his reason for finally wearing a face mask, Trump told reporters that “when you’re in hospital, especially… I think it’s expected to wear a mask.”

America has been alarmingly ravaged by the coronavirus disease as hospitals and health workers are daily overwhelmed by the endless increase in patients.

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