Newborn Baby Found with Knife Sticking out of Her Back

Newborn Baby Found with Knife Sticking out of Her Back

News - Women's Perspective World

A newborn baby has been found with a knife sticking out of her back.

The baby girl was over-heard by a passer-by in a refuse dump in the city of Posada, north-eastern Argentine province of Misiones.

The passer-by named Diego Sebastian Penayo found her in a bin bag with multiple stab wounds and a rusty knife sticking out of her back. The 31-year-old personal trainer then took the baby to a near-by police station from where she was rushed to a nearby hospital.

The little baby was estimated to be 2 days old, critically injured and needed urgent medical attention.

Doctors however say that most of the wounds were superficial with no damage to major organs. Sadly, two of her ribs were broken.

In spite of her condition, the newborn baby girl is said to be making steady progress such that nurses at the Hospital Maternal Neonatal have named her Milagros meaning Miracle.

Doctor David Halac told newsmen that the baby has begun breathing unaided but is placed under strong antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.

He added that the hospital is in no hurry to discharge her until the legal situation of her guardianship is settled.

Meanwhile, the baby’s mother has been apprehended and held in police custody according to the province’s police personnel.

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Newborn Baby Found with Knife Sticking out of Her Back

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