Finally Botswana Women Now Legally Authorised to Own Land

Finally Botswana Women Now Legally Authorised to Own Land

News - Women's Perspective

Finally, it is victory for Botswana women as they become legally authorised to own pieces of land in their own names.

Prior to the new legislation, the women could not own lands independent of their husbands.

The reprieve came after a new amendment to the 2015 Land Policy which prevented married women, widows and orphans from inheriting or acquiring new land.

The situation was so bad that women could not aspire to great heights. They even needed the written permission of their young sons to even open a bank accounts. This happens when the husband or an older male relative is not available.

The development has been celebrated by African women largely.

President Mokgweetsi Masisi shared the cheering news on the microblogging app, Twitter. According to him, he was fulfilling the commitment he made during Botswana’s Democratic Party political campaigns last year.

Speaking on the new development, the President said that , “the Botswana Land Policy of 2015 was discriminatory against married women. Section 72 (iii) stated that since only one spouse can apply for a plot, the surviving spouse must as a right inherit their land allocations.

This clause did not give married women equal treatment with men and I am happy to report that this disciminatory subsection has since been repealed.

Historically, land that belonged to husbands followed patriarchal traditions of inheritance. A World Bank research shows in 40% of countries, women encounter a host of obstacles owning land, be it through skewed inheritance rights or restricted authority over assets,” President Mokgweetsi Masisi said.

The new policy has been welcomed by Botswana women more so as it will protect widows and orphan who may be the head of their households.

Section 72 of the Botswana Land Policy 2015 recognises that there are instances where some widows and orphans are compelled to head households and find themselves in an urgent need of land for residential purposes as a result of being denied access to their deceased husband’s or parent’s property.

As it stands, the Revised Land Policy of 2019 now gives married women the right to apply for land. An excerpt of the policy reads:

Each Motswana will be eligible for allocation of one residential plot at an area of their choice within the country, on both state land and tribal land.”

In addition, the law and policy encourages local and Land Authorities as well as Non-Governmental Organisation to step up campaigns to educate women and orphans about their legally protected rights.

It also offers them legal support to successfully claim their legitimate land right.

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