Anonymous Takes Down Nigerian Army Website

Nigerian Army Website Taken down by Anonymous

"Gist" News - Women's Perspective

News just filtered in that the Nigerian Army Website has been taken down by Anonymous @LiteMods.

A number of government websites and anti-#ENDSARS interests, including First Bank of Nigeria were touched today.

Read: Anonymous @liteMod Shuts Down First Bank Website, And A Number of Government Sites

The Anonymous team has vowed that “We will continue to deface and harvest your telecom companies and government server’s data until you respect the basic rights every human deserves.”

Not even the telecoms company website s will be spared by the long arm of the Anonymous law either. This is irrespective of the anti-hack technology that they have deployed.

According to the team, in addition to taking down the Nigerian Army website,

We will continue to deface and harvest your telecom companies and government server’s data until you respect the basic rights every human deserves.

But who really is Anonymous ?

The hack says that they are not just a person but an idea. It says “we are justice and justice cannot be silenced. We are the ones governed by no law. We are the ones who do not wait for justice to take its course, we are the ones your parents warned you about. We are the voice of the silent and the eyes of the blind. We are Anonymous !

Watch as it explains itself further:

Besides the Nigerian Army, it is uncertain how many or which other website will be touched.

Read also:


Anonymous Takes Down Nigerian Army Website