Pope Endorses Same-Sex Unions

Pope Francis Openly Endorses Same-Sex Unions


Pope Francis has openly endorsed civil union for same-sex couples for the very first time.

The information is reported by Catholic News Agency and monitored on CNN.

The pope made his mind known in a new documentary film “Francesco,” released today, 21st of October.

According to him, “homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They are chidden of God and have a right to a family.

Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it.

The head of the Catholic Church added that “what we have to create is a civil union law. That way, they are legally covered.”

Pope Francis had hinted his support for same-sex unions in past interviews, however, this is the first time, he is openly speaking in favour of it.

It is on record that as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, he had backed same-sex and civil unions at a time that Argentina was contemplating legalising homosexual marriages.

The post:

Same-sex unions have been a subject of debate for many Catholic faithfuls.

Endorsing it would be a relief to those who feel alienated and profiled by the society.

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Pope Endorses Same-Sex Unions