Best News for Sorosoke Generation Today ! Eromosele Granted Bail

Moe’s Best News for Sorosoke Generation Today ! Eromosele Granted Bail


One of the promoters of the #EndSARS Protest and member of the Sorosoke Generation announced that her colleague, Eromosele has been granted bail.

Mochievous also known as Moe announced her “Best News” of the day.

Breaking ! Eromosele Adene, #EndSARS Promoter Arraigned In Court Today

According to Moe:

“UPDATE: bail has been granted to Eromosele by the Magistrate. He will be RELEASED immediately the conditions for his bail are perfected. Thank you to the entire village who made this happen. Whew!

“The bail conditions are stringent but they can be met. And once they are met, he will be released.

“This is a much better outcome than if bail wasn’t granted. Eromosele has been in custody since Nov 7th. We were preparing for worse so this is a BIG relief.

Horrified Moe gives her thoughts on the arrest, arraignment and released on bail process for Eromosele:

“This matter bruised and battered me mentally so the real champ is Eromz who I hear was in high spirits through out. Dude is alright!

“The efforts that have been put into intimidating Eromosele are frankly disgraceful. Whatever machinery behind this should be throughly ashamed.

“He has been taken from Lagos to Abuja then back to Lagos. Has been in police custody for 11 days & yet hasn’t been formally charged.

“Let me explain why we are emphasizing a charge. Once he has been charged, we can ask for court bail.

“Now all the games you can see is just so that he can remain in custody. They want to scapegoat him & break his spirit. Thank goodness everyone can see what is happening.

Questions we need answers to

“1. Why this level of police presence for someone who hasn’t been formally charged with anything?

2. The magistrate is expected to rule on a remand order. It is usually an uncomplicated process. These hearings are public, why are journalists barred?

“Damn! Women are so accommodating. Carrying everyone on their backs. I love it but I also do not love it at the same time.

“To see agencies of the state that are supposed to uphold justice and protect us being used to oppress and intimidate us is so heartbreaking

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