Countries Ban Visitors from the UK over Highly Infectious Covid19 Strain

Countries Ban Visitors from the UK over Highly Infectious Covid19 Strain

Countries have banned visitors from the UK from entering their borders citing a new highly infectious strain of covid19.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, last week lamented that the infections are getting “out of control.”

Boris Johnson Extends UK Lockdown

France a crucial transit county has taken measures to block people and goods crossing the Channel.

The Netherlands said that passengers arriving by ferry would be denied entry.

United Kingdom

Countries are scrambling to move freight through France from Britain with just a few days left for the latter to quit European Union trade structures as a result of Brexit.

Alarm bells rang across Europe Sunday night as the new, even highly infectious strain of #COVID19 ravages across parts of Britain.

Europe is the first region in the world to surpass 500,000 deaths from the disease.

A WHO Spokesperson told AFP that “across Europe, where transmission is intense and widespread, countries need to redouble their control and prevention approaches.”

German government plans to restrict air travel from Britain, a move that could be adopted by the entire 27-member EU countries.

Other countries are also discussing a joint response over sea, road and rail links.

French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and EU chiefs are reported to have held a conference call to discuss the matter on Sunday.

Bans on flights from the UK are being implemented by the Americas including Canada, Chile, Argentina.

In spite of growing concerns about the new strain of the coronavirus, EU experts believe it will not impact the effectiveness of existing vaccines according to German Health Minister Jens Spahn.

There was however, cheery news when US lawmakers reached a deal for a nearly $900 billion covid19 intervention to help struggling Americans.

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Countries Ban Visitors from the UK over Highly Infectious Covid19 Strain

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