Why I Stopped Attending Catholic Church in Nigeria - Chimamanda

Why I Stopped Attending Catholic Church in Nigeria – Chimamanda

Celebrity Lifestyle

International multiple award-winning novelist, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has revealed reasons she stopped attending the Catholic Church in Nigeria.

According to her, the ceremonies became too much and members were inundated with demands for money, fundraising and thanksgiving.

She bared her mind during an interview with TV show host, Ebuka Obi-Uchendi.

Curiously, as with every born Catholic, the 43-year-old mother of one still considers herself Catholic, a scenario typical of people born and raised in the oldest religion.

Why I Stopped Attending Catholic Church in Nigeria - Chimamanda

She adds however, that she only attends mass outside Nigeria or whenever she finds a Catholic community that practices the very core values of the faith.

According to her, “I grew up Catholic, Catholicism was very important to me. It’s almost a culture, not just a religion. So even if you leave Catholic Church, It’s in you, Today, I don’t like to talk about religion because I don’t know.

“I think of myself as agnostic and questioning, Catholicism holds you tight. There are many other Protestant denominations that are not so. Its all-inclusive. ‘You cannot eat before mass, You have to go to confession.”

“There are so many rules. It teaches you guilt in a way that I don’t think so many protestant denominations do.

“I am Catholic nominally. I still feel protective of some things about the Catholic Church. But I don’t attend it in Nigeria.

Why I Stopped Attending Catholic Church in Nigeria - Chimamanda
Catholic Church

The famous writer regretted that “Nigerian Catholicism is way too much about money, fundraising and thanksgiving.

“Some in the east even look at who’s wearing gold. I think the focus of religion should be things Nigerian Catholicism doesn’t focus on.”

For Chimamanda, “Culturally, I call myself a Catholic. But if being religious means performing and going to confession, I’m not.

“I don’t go to church in Nigeria. Outside the country ? Certainly not often. When I find a progressive Catholic Church, I go.

Speaking about her personal admiration for the Church, Ms Adichie began by commending Pope Francis’ efforts at reforming the Catholic system.”

She added that “There’s still something beautiful about the mass. I find Latin beautiful, the priests sweeping up in their dresses and the sense of community.”

Why I Stopped Attending Catholic Church in Nigeria - Chimamanda
Pope Francis

“But there’s also a lot that I quarrel with. It’s the pope I love because he’s so human.

“Hyper-conservative Catholics don’t like him. But if you read Catholic History, they should know there have been people like him who have reformed the church.

“I respect religion in general while questioning some of its excesses.”

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Nigerian writer

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