Joe Biden Gives Nigerian Man Surprise Phone Call for Contributing to His Victory

Joe Biden Gives Nigerian Man Surprise Phone Call for Contributing to His Victory

Newly sworn in US President Joe Biden yesterday, Wednesday, made a surprise phone call to a Nigerian man and his children for contributing to his election victory.

The excited father, who obviously was not expecting the call ran around the house gasping for breath to gather his family members to speak to the new president of the most powerful leader on the planet.

The Nigerian father proudly told Biden that he his from “IBADAN, that is Oyo State, very close to Lagos State” and live in Springfield, Illinois.

The way the man pronounced Ibadan was so native that Biden would certainly be wondering what he was saying. He however told them that he has visited Lagos, Nigeria in the past.

Biden praised the Nigerian man for taking the bold step to migrate to the United States just like his great-grand-father did in the 1800s.

The new President told them that America’s greatness stems from diversity brought on by immigrants like them and that America is held strong not by where they come from but what they believe in.

Biden particularly appreciated Josephine, the unnamed man’s older daughter for campaigning for him and all the democrats during the elections.

He told the 2 girls how he loves his 4 daughters and urged them to ensure they take care of their dad.

President Biden promised to invite the family to the White House when the coronavirus pandemic abates.

The Nigerian man told Joe Biden that he supported him because he has followed his campaigns for the black man from his youth.

Expectedly, ex-President Donald Trump refused to attend the inauguration of Biden and Kamala Harris.

He had rejected the result of the polls that replaced him with the new President and left the White House before the inauguration to Biden.

The Presidential Marine One helicopter conveyed him and former FLOTUS Melania from the gardens of the White House at about 2:15pm, Wednesday, 20th January.

In what he captioned a “fantastic four-year” term, Trump told newsmen just before take off that “It’s been a great honour, the honour of a lifetime.”

Speaking just a few words, the outgone president referred to a “fantastic four-year” term, “It’s been a great honour, the honour of a lifetime,” Trump said.

Ex-Vice President Mike Pence however, witnessed the inauguration alongside past Presidents and lawmakers.

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@POTUS@JoeBiden & @VP@KamalaHarris

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