Crazy and Evil Conspiracy Theories about Me in a Pandemic - Bill Gates (video)

Crazy and Evil Conspiracy Theories about Me in a Pandemic – Bill Gates (video)

Coronavirus Pandemic World

Bill Gates says he is surprised by the evil and crazy conspiracy theories about him.

The founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s richest men who is also a vaccine and anti-polio advocate laments that the news spreading on social media about him during the covid19 pandemic is worrying.

Gates and American infectious diseases expert, Anthony Fauci have been serially called out on social and and at interviews. Gates promised to to explore what is behind the accusations.

Speaking to Washington post live and monitored across several other international media, about the vaccine and the impact of the covid19 pandemic around the world, Gates says he finds it difficult to determine how the microchip conspiracy theory started.

According to him, “The social media plus a pandemic is a combination that’s never been tried before.

“Nobody would have predicted that I and doctor Fauci would be so prominent in really kind of evil theories about ‘did we create the pandemic’ …and so, I’m very surprisedly that.

“I hope it goes away. The percentage that is really misled by these conspiracy theories is a concern to me.”

He says he feels sad that people are not getting vaccinated. He also considers it depressing that people think he is planning to make women sterile with the vaccine with a view to stemming the world population.

Bill Gates insists however, that vaccines are not the only solution to pandemics. What is needed is a comprehensive strategy and vaccine are only part of it.

@BillGates got his own covid19 vaccine on Friday, last week and says he feels great.

He thanked “all of the scientists, trial participants, regulators and frontline healthcare workers” who made it possible.

Someone else who got is is asking if the “chip” that comes with it could open telecoms doors.
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Bill Gates Tells Nigeria To Prepare For Next Pandemic

Bill Gates’ Vaccine has 40 Volunteers Ready for Trial

Evil Conspiracy Theories