FLASH ! Souls That Perished in the Ill-Fated Airforce Jet This Morning

FLASH ! Souls That Perished in the Ill-Fated Airforce Jet This Morning

The Nigerian Airforce has published the names of the officers that perished in the ill-fated Nigerian Airforce jet today.

They include:

  • Flt Lt Gadzama
  • Flt Lt Piyo Piyo
  • Flg Officer Okpara
  • FS Olawumi
  • ACM Jonhson

Flight Lieutenant Gadzama was the pilot in charge who ensured the prevention of mass casualty by steering the plan away from a densely populated area of Abuja city.

He has been hailed by Nigerians as the hero of the day.

Journalist @KemiOlunloyo· reports that “The Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB-N) say they can’t investigative Abuja airport crash cos it’s a military plane. Nonsense

“Already covering up their tracks. We need to see passenger list. Engine failure? Who sabotaged plane? Black box prolly taken by crowd”

More details soon…