Racist Row: Piers Morgan Storms out of ITV Good Morning Britain Show (video)

Racist Row: Piers Morgan Storms out of ITV Good Morning Britain Show

Journalist and TV Presenter, Piers Morgan, yesterday, stormed out of the Good Morning Britain Show on ITV following his long-running criticism of Prince Harry and wife, Meghan Markle.

The topic hit a climax after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had an explosive interview with talk-show host, Oprah Winfrey.

Read: Meghan and Prince Harry’s Explosive Interview with Oprah Winfrey (video)

ABC.net highlights reasons Piers Morgan took the door on Good Morning Britain Show:

  • Britain’s media regulator launched a probe after receiving 41,015 petitions about Morgan’s comments
  • He cast doubt on Morgan’s comments in an interview with Oprah Winfrey on her mental health
  • Morgan said during a Good Morning episode that, “I’msorry, I don’t believe a word she says.

The non-racist world stood behind Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in all of the trauma she was subjected to.

The real hero of this whole saga is said to be Alex Beres who told Piers Morgan how much he bullied Meghan to the extent that she cut him off.

Despite her cutting him, Morgan refused to back down according Beres. The truth was so uncomfortable for him that he stormed out of the ITV Good Morning Britain show.

Meanwhile, following public outrage and over 41,000 petitions, the British media regulator Ofcom has initiated an investigation into Morgan’s attitude.

On another note, it is believed that #PiersMorgan has had a personal grudge with Markle because she dumped him for Prince Harry’s can be seen in this video:


Today’s is Final Engagement of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex as Senior Members of the Royal Family

Piers Morgan Storms out