Federal Government Orders States to Stop Covid19 Vaccine Halfway

Federal Government Orders States to Stop Covid19 Vaccine Halfway

Coronavirus Pandemic

The federal Government has ordered states currently administering the Oxford AstraZeneca #COVID19 vaccine to stop giving the vaccine halfway ie when they use half of all the doses allocated to them.

The directive is said to have been issued by the Director of the National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA), Dr Faisal Shuaibu.

The implication is that a state that was allowed 100,000 doses would have to stop the moment it has given out 50,000.

This is to enable those who have received their first inoculation, receive the second one.

Read also: Nigeria Receives Its Consignment of AstraZeneca/Oxford Covax Vaccines

The directive became necessary as a result of an envisaged delay in the supply of the next batch of AstraZeneca doses.

The delay is caused by a surge in demand by the European Union and a new policy by India which manufactures the vaccine.

India announced last week, that it would prioritise the vaccination of of its over 1.2 billion citizens.

Minister of State for Health, Dr Olorunnnimbe Mamora confirmed the new government order to the Punch saying that states were asked to stop the vaccinations halfway because it was the smartest thing to do.

“On the issue of stopping at half doses, we thought this is what wisdom dictates because in a situation where we seem to be in short supply, it stands to good reason to ensure that those who have had their first dose should be given the opportunity of having the second dose.

“It is better to have a pool of people who have received full vaccination rather than just do it halfway for everybody, which I think would not be the best in the circumstance. And you are not really covered if you have your full dosage,” he said.

Read also:

Stop Covid19 Vaccine Halfway