Pastors at War ! Tunde Bakare Vs Chris Okafor (video)

Pastors at War ! Tunde Bakare Vs Chris Okafor (video)


There is a brewing war of words between Pastors Tunde Bakare of Latter Rain Assembly and Chris Okafor of Mountain of Liberation and Miracle Ministry.

Both Pastors are Christian ministers, televangelists. Pastor Bakare who prophesied he will be the next president after President Muhammadu Buhari believes that Nigeria made him who is and he will stay back and see the country become great again.

READ: ” I will be President after Buhari”, Tunde Bakare

In an apparent reference to Pastor Paul Adefarasin’s recent advise to his followers that they should prepare their ‘plan B’ to flee the country any time. This according to him, is considering the unpredictable socio-political atmosphere.

Pastor Bakare however, insists he is not a candidate for ‘plan B.’ He said this during an interview with Channels Television’s Seun Okinbaloye on ‘The Conversation Africa,’ 22 May 2021

READ: Have a Plan B to Escape from Nigeria – Paul Adefarasin

Pastor Chris on his part, thinks he is traitorous. He believes that Bakare does not speak truth to power because of what he benefits from government.

He recalls when Pastor Tunde Bakare would storm Ojota park with “some other radicals” to campaign against Jonathan and pressure the public to kick him out of office.

For Okafor, it is now time to “save Nigeria’s soul” and the pastor is not doing anything but instead, pandering to the powers that be because of selfish gains.


Pastors Tunder Bakare and Chris Okafor have massive followers with churches located in Lagos.