Things Men Must Not Do to Women to Live Long and Make Progress in Life

Things Men Must Not Do to Women to Live Long and Make Progress in Life


There are a number of things that men must avoid in their relationships with women but 6 among them will mean they live long and make progress in life.

According to Daybreak News, if really any right thinking man wants to have peace of mind and go far, he needs to stop some of the things that women are not comfortable with.

  1. Never Fight or Hit a Woman for No Reason

Please do not fight any woman because of a little quarrel. Keep your hands to yourself and avoid a situation where she may even hit you first. This is because, either way, you will be blamed more if anything happens. Learn to always keep cool or leave a tense environment.

If violence, verbal or physical persists, make up your mind, decide if you want to endure the relationship or keep your sanity by quitting completely.

The slightest blow or slap could lead to death. Better safe than sorry.

Do not also hit a woman just because you can. God made man physically stronger than a woman for other reasons than battery. Do not use your superior strength to suppress her.

2. Do not be overly available to the woman you really love

So many men make this mistake especially when they are in love. Do not be overly available to her because she will definitely friend-zone you Focus more on your business or some other thing. If you really love her and would want the relationship to last, make the attention she craves for scarce.

Women are wired that way.The more you are overly available to them, the more they look down on you.

Things Men Must Not Do to Women to Live Long and Make Progress in Life

3. Do not carry her family problems because you wish to marry her

Do whatever you wish to do with your money. You can train whoever you want to train in school, as long as you are capable. Do not train the woman you wish to marry or the woman you love in school.

Let me make this clear. She may not marry you if you always pay her fees or carry her family problems on your head. She will end up seeing you as a father and not a lover. If she refuses to marry you after doing all that for her, you may end up depressed and delay your progress in life.

4. Never make any lady feel bad about herself, stop body shaming !

This has been said countless times. Never make any lady feel bad about herself. Never tell her she is ugly, fat or shapeless etc. If you want to make progress, keep those opinions to yourself. A word spoken cannot be unspoken no matter the apologies.

5. Respect the woman who loves you genuinely, if you do not share the same feelings, do not not turn her down aggressively

Things Men Must Not Do to Women to Live Long and Make Progress in Life

It is rare to find someone who genuinely loves you. So many are after your potentials for wealth and greatness. But, when you meet the genuine lover, treat her with respect and ensure you weigh your options before letting her go.

If you aggressively turn down genuine love and she goes, you may not fine another original. Be careful to turn her down with love and kindness, avoid hurting her in the process.

6. Do not be a womaniser

Time and energy spent on several women are better invested in your future, business or career. The distractions that come with each woman seeking attention and tender loving care are not worth it.

The competition from several women in one man’s life is sickening and time wasting.

Take time to discover the woman that meets at least 70% of your requirements as no one is perfect.

Read also:

Chapter 1: Vicky’s Turn

Chapter 2: Missing Vicky

Chapter 3: Opoku Returns to See Vicky

Chapter 5: Vicky says “Yes”

Meeting Family. Chapter 6: Vicky and Opoku

Visit to Ikot Ekpene, Vicky and Opoku’s First Visit: Chapter 7

Things Men Must Not Do to Women to Live Long and Make Progress in Life