Zainab Balogun Mourns Cousin Sam Who Made a Post Just Before Entering Ikoyi Building (video)

Zainab Balogun Mourns Cousin Sam Who Made a Post Just Before Entering Ikoyi Building (video)


Actress Zainab Balogun Nwachukwu has made a post where she mourned her cousin who made a video of himself minutes before entering the ill-fated 21-storey Ikoyi Building.

Sam Iwelu, a UK based Nigerian had entered the building just before it crumbled and right after making the video describing the Lagos heat and traffic.

Sam’s body was later retrieved from the collapsed building and confirmed dead.

His sister, Ann, had shared the video stating that it was her older brother’s last just before entering the edifice on Monday, November 1.

Ann’s post was made before Sam’s lifeless body was pulled out of the rubble.

called on the public to help the family find her brother:

Please people help….. 🔊🔊🔊🔊📣📣📣📣📣📣📣

This was the last video my brother made on entry to this place but honestly we are yet to find him. Are you in a hospital near here please ask and check for me, my brother can not be in this rubble. I need to locate him, he is too agile to be kept down 

is this how an recuse mission should go? 

This is no longer a rescue mission this a demolition. What are the chances anyone would survive. We are killing potential survivors like this. 

Please I need help, my brother may be in there. I can’t watch this anymore. I can’t speak enough because I don’t 

Samuel Iwelu is a 35-year-old who only came to Nigeria from the UK to attend a wedding in Abuja.

It was there that he met the developer who told him about a humongous structure that he was putting up in Lagos.

They both fly in to Lagos to see the structure but never made it out alive.

Sam cousin, zainab balogun lamented her stated of mind:

Dear Sammy, 

I really don’t know where to start. Sammy I’m going to miss you. More than you could ever know. I wish I could tell you more about what you mean to me. You were more than my cousin, you were my big brother. You took care of me. Distance wasn’t enough to stop you. You always looked for me Sam, even when I didn’t want to be found. I admire your vulnerability. Your ability to wear it all on your sleeve. You showed me so much love. All of us. It hurts when I read your messages now. Just when i think I’m done crying, It all comes back. This is hard for us Sam. Really hard! 

You gave SOOOO much of yourself to everyone. Literally poured out like a tap. I’d ask you for 1 and you’ve give me 10. You are the definition of selfless!! I’m going to miss hearing your funny laugh, giant stories and seeing that big smile. 

“Yo Tobi, kilonsele!” I won’t hear you say that again or rescue me last minute like you always do. You shouldn’t have gone like this and like we’ve said, they had to take down a whole building Mighty Sam. This will never be ok and will hurt forever. I would end this by saying sleep well but knowing you, you’re probably on the move in heaven with a fast car already. Man like Sammy, I really love you brother!

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JUST IN ! Owner of Ikoyi Building, Femi Osibona Found Dead