World Largest Aircraft Destroyed by Russia in Ukraine

World Largest Aircraft Destroyed by Russia in Ukraine (video)


World’s largest aircraft ever, an Antonov AN-225 has been destroyed by Russia as it continues to fire missiles in its escalating military aggression towards its neighbouring country, Ukraine.

CNN stated that the aircraft which was called “Mriya” and parked at an airfield near Kyiv was destroyed by Russian forces during an attack.

Ukrainian authorities while speaking on the development stated that it would rebuild the plane and continue to defend the country.

According to Dmytro Kuleba@DmytroKuleba·This was the world’s largest aircraft, AN-225 ‘Mriya’ (‘Dream’ in Ukrainian).

Russia may have destroyed our ‘Mriya’. But they will never be able to destroy our dream of a strong, free and democratic European state. We shall prevail!

RussiamayhavedestroyedourMriya’. Buttheywillneverbeabletodestroyourdreamofastrong, freeanddemocraticEuropeanstate. Weshallprevail!”

A heartbroken Ukrainian who recorded the plane’s last flight lamented he did not know it would be her last.

Antonov Company in a post on Twitter noted that it could not verify the “technical condition” of the aircraft until its experts inspects the plane.

Ukrainian State defence company, Ukroboronprom, which manages Antonov, in a statement released on Sunday, disclosed that the aircraft had been destroyed, but would be rebuilt at Russia’s expense.

The statement read, “The restoration of Mriya is estimated to take over 3 billion USD and over five years.

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World Largest Aircraft Destroyed by Russia in Ukraine

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