'If You Allow Your Man to Be inside You, Wash His Underwear' - OAP (video)

‘If You Allow Your Man to Be inside You, Wash His Underwear’ – OAP (video)


Popular Ugandan On-Air-Personality, Rahma Mbabazi popularly known as Lucky Mbabazi has advised women not to be reluctant to wash their husbands’ underwear especially “if you allow your man to be inside you.”

She said she does not see why any woman would kick against the simple duty or have a problem with it.

Lucky added that some couples even “eat each other’s germs,” so why not touch the undies with bare hands ?

According to mbabazilucky “”I heard some women complaining that they can’t wash their men’s underwear. If you can allow a man to be inside you,then you shouldn’t be having a problem washing his underwear if he asks you to.

“What are you afraid of? What are you going to find in the underwear? You’re afraid of germs? You eat each other’s germs,” 

The OAP also called on the men not to also feel reluctant to wash their women’s undies.

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‘If You Allow Your Man to Be inside You, Wash His Underwear’ – OAP