Lawmakers Move to Ban Crossdressing, Bobriksy Others Risk Jail Terms

Lawmakers Move to Ban Crossdressing, Bobrisky, Others Risk Jail Terms


Lawmakers have presented a bill seeking to ban crossdressing in the country.

the lifestyle became popular and attractive to impressionable youngsters following the fame and wealth of Instagram celebrity, Idris Olanrewaju Okuneye popular known as Bobrisky.

Bobrisky was born a man but chose to dress and act like a woman, a lifestyle he revealed he chose in his quest to become relevant and make money.

He is regularly seen on snapchat and instagram displaying tens of thousands of notes in both local and foreign currency.

A lawmaker in the House of Representative, Umar Muda presented the bill seeking to ban Bobrisky and his cohorts like James Brown.

The bill, today, the 5th of April, passed its first reading on the floor of the” House.

If finally passed and ratified, culprits like a 6-month jail term.

The bill seeks to amend the same-sex marriage (prohibition) act of 2013 by including cross-dressing as one of the offences under the act.

Same-sex couples and gay persons in Nigeria are at risk of facing 14 years in jail if convicted by a court.

Excerpt of the bill: “A person engaging in cross-dressing is guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment of 6 months or to a fine of five hundred thousand naira.”

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Lawmakers Move to Ban Crossdressing, Bobriksy Others Risk Jail Terms

Norms for each gender