Health Risks of Having S*x with Animals

Health Risks of Having S*x with Animals

Women's Health

The health risks of having s*x with animals have been revealed as reports being to emerge about some young women lying with dogs in the highbrow Lekki area of Lagos.

The reports say that the ladies were offered between 1 to 2 million to perform the act to entertain the perpetrators.

It has also been confirmed that the ladies were lured into the sad act because of poverty and the aim of getting rich quick.

However, there are health implications to humans sleeping with animals and there are ailments that come with such action.

Here are some health implications of sleeping with animals.

1. Rabies: According to “”, rRconsidered to be fatal in humans. This disease can be transmitted via the saliva of dogs, horses and cats. If the symptoms of rabies setting on a human, there are little chances of survival if not treated properly.

2. Echinococcosis: This is a tapeworm that is seen in the faeces of dogs, sheep and cats.

This disease would not be noticed until after a few years when it has caused cysts to develop in the kidneys, heart, spleens and brains of the affected person. It can lead to death if not treated.

3. Injury: It is important to note that the reproductive organs of lower animals are not designed by nature to fit into that of a woman, or a man. Having sex with animals can cause your rectum to rupture. Indulging in a hormone sandwich with a dog, horse or cow can lead to severe injuries that will require corrective surgery.

4. Allergic Reaction: The system of humans is expected to react to the semen of a dog or any other animal as it is a foreign substance the body is not used to.

5. Leptospirosis According to “” this disease is derived from the urine of animals like dogs and cats. When found in the human system, it can cause severe meningitis. Other than the fact that having sex with an animal is a crime against nature, and an actual crime, bestiality can be deadly and fatal.

6. Sleeping with a dog can lead to Anaphylaxis and what it does to the body is that the immune system would release a flood of chemicals that can cause you to go into shock, blood pressure drops suddenly and the airways narrow, blocking breathing.

Signs and symptoms include a rapid, weak pulse; a skin rash; and nausea and vomiting.

Read also:

Police Vows to Arrest Lady in Viral S*x Video with Dogs

Health Risks of Having S*x with Animals

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