JUST IN ! Terrorists Lay Siege On Abuja Law School Environs

Breaking News !

Terrorists in Abuja have ambushed men of the Guards Brigade within Abuja Law School environs.

According to intelligence reports, the men of the elite Guards Brigade guarding the Capital City as well as the Presidential seat of government were ambushed along Bwari Kubwa road.

They were believed to have been on routine patrol when they were attacked. According to the report, the attack seems to have confirmed the report that they were camped in the vicinity and were indeed planning to attack the Law School located in Bwari, Abuja.

The reports however say that only three soldiers were wounded in the ambush and they had since been taken to a military hospital in the city.

This would be the first direct encounter between terrorists and the Brigade of Guards in Abuja city.

Find below a cryptic message from a yet-to-be confirmed security personnel on the attack.

At about 241620A Jul 22, own tps of 7 Gds Bn on routine ptl along Rd Kubwa – Bwari were ambushed by suspected terr. 3 x sldrs were injured during the attk. The sldrs have been evacuated to 7 Gds Bn MRS for med attn. Details on the extend of their injuries still under cfm. The ambushed attk happening within the gen area of Bwari shows that the terrs are actually within the loc and possibly to carry out their plans of attacking the law schl in Bwari as earlier reported.