Mother Whose Baby Was Brutally Beaten By His Father Resulting in Amputation Speaks

Mother Whose Baby Was Brutally Beaten By His Father Resulting in Amputation Speaks

Stories from the heart

The mother of the 2-month old baby whose father allegedly used plastic hanger to beat him, inflicting injuries that led to the amputation of his hand has cried for justice.

The 2-month old child is currently on admission and receiving treatment at the paediatrics ward of the Federal Medical Centre, Owerri after doctors amputated his arm to save his life.

Speaking about the incident, the young mother told BBC pidgin that the incident happened in the evening of Friday 21, October 2022.

Ahe said she had left her baby with his father to ease herself when he began to cry.

“The sharp cry of my baby made me rush back when I saw his father using hanger to beat the baby because his cry was disturbing him.

“By the time we got to the hospital, the hand has begun to rotten and smell, so the doctors said that they have to amputate the hand to save the baby’s life.”

She said, the father allegedly locked her and the baby in the house, collecting her phone from her and threatened her not to tell their neighbors.

But after two days locked inside the house, she managed to escape after the father left for work and showed the neighbors what happened, begging them to help her with transport with which she rushed her child to the hospital.

The mother noted that she went to three hospitals and they all rejected the baby, saying that they could not handle the case until she was referred to Federal Medical Centre FMC Owerri.

The heartbroken mother said she had known the father for four years and they were living together when she gave birth to the boy.

She added that she did not expect that he would inflict such dastardly injury against their innocent baby

The father of the baby is currently on the run, but the mother had lodged a formal complaint about the incident with the police authorities.

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Mother Whose Baby Was Brutally Beaten By His Father Resulting in Amputation Speaks