Woman Recounts How Years of S*x Slavery by Her Dad Resulted in 5 Kids (video)

Woman Recounts How Years of S*x Slavery by Her Dad Resulted in 5 Kids (video)

Stories from the heart

A woman has taken to social media to narrate how she was subjected alongside her sisters to s*x slavery by their dad since they were little children.

She said they were serially r*aped with the knowledge of their mother who did nothing to save them.

By the time she turned 11, the lady who did not disclose her name said she wished she was born a boy but by the time she turned 12, she began wishing she was never born.

The woman’s father is an African-American man named Aswad Ayinde and he had been r*ping and beating her up for 4 years since she was 8.

He told her she became his s*x slave because that was all she was good for. Ayinde kept her locked up in the house, denied her access to extended family, wasted her childhood and teenage years and prevented her from going to school.

He brainwashed his daughter to believing his actions were ordained by God. Miss Ayinde said she once tried to flee her family home since her mother was not willing to save her.

Sadly for her, her brothers and sisters stopped her from running away with the excuse that they would be left to suffer alone. Aswad Ayinde also told his daughter that if she didn’t tell anyone or complain, he would not hurt her sisters.

She said she got pregnant for the first time when she turned 15. It went on until she birthed 5 babies. Curiously, he delivered her of all her children within his house.

Woman Recounts How Years of S*x Slavery by Her Dad Resulted in 5 Kids (video)
Ayinde Aswad (r), abused daughter (L)

She added that even if she lived in confusion and fear, she kept hope alive until she turned 24 and finally fled, remained focused, single-handedly raised her 5 kids, saw herself through college, opened an NGO for victims of abuse and wrote a best-selling book.

Aswad Ayinde is said to be a Grammy award-winning music director, famous for directing the music video of “Killing Me Softly”.

Miss Ayinde added that with help from her testimony in court, her abusive father was sentenced to 90 years in prison in 2013 for what he did to her and her sisters.

Sharing her story on Instagram and TikTok the domestic abuse survivor said she no longer wishes she wasn’t born but is rather happy to be alive to help other victims.

The video:

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Woman Recounts How Years of S*x Slavery by Her Dad Resulted in 5 Kids (video)

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