The Heartbreaking Story of an Orphan Named Irene

Stories from the heart

A young lady identified as Irene has narrated the miserable life she led from childhood as an orphan.

The third and last born of her family, Irene recalled how after she lost her parents and being the youngest, her older siblings completely abandoned her.


She said she took to doing menial jobs to fend for herself and her mentally challenged sister.

Irene added that she had a friend who gave her food in school. On one occasion, when the school was not in session, they went to the market and her friend bought her some food stuff.

Irene then accompanied the friend home and found the brother’s friend slaughtering a sheep. Soon after, their grandfather stormed the yard and accused the young man of stealing the animal.

They all run away. However, the following day her friend adviced her to escape and go to Nairobi where her parents lived. She stayed with them for 3 years after which she decided to return to the village.

Her sisters were happy to see her and one of her sister who was living in Dandora took her in. Irene and her sisters were however, still not on very good terms. Not Long after, a friend who worked in a hotel found her a job.

She said her sister was not happy with the job and chased her out of the house. Irene decided to go live with the married friend who gave her aroom but her friend’s husband had male friends who visited regularly.

One one occasion, one of the male friends visited, found her sleeping and raped her. An angry Irene went back to her sister’s house but soon fell sick. The sister took her to the hospital where she was confirmed pregnant.

Irene did not tell her sister that she was pregnant but the sister discovered by the seventh month and kicked her out.

Luckily Irene found a good samaritan who took her in until she gave birth. Her sister then came and picked her but never fed her even if she could afford to.

Irene went back to Dandora where she would leave her son locked in the house to go search for menial jobs to feed the baby. Neighbors were however, not happy she said she had no choice

Soon after, her siblings started dying each year. The horrified young mother narrated that it was scary because they died aged 38 and 48 years. Then her nieces also started dying.

Her friend then took her to a church in Githurai where the pastor told her to strip naked and wash her breast and private part to avert more d3aths.