American University Reacts to Employee, Uju Anya’s Tweet on Queen Elizabeth II


An American University, Carnegie Mellon, has distanced itself from the tweet shared by its employee, Uju Anya, wishing Queen Elizabeth excruciating pain before her death was announced.

It also came after the Queen’s physicians announced she was critically ill and that family members had gathered to be with her.

Uju took to her verified Twitter account on Thursday to post several damning messages to the British empire and the influential role played by the late Queen of Elizabeth II in the Nigerian civil war which left over 3 million Igbos dead in the 1960s.

The Lecturer wrote: ‘‘I heard the chief monarch of a thieving genocidal empire is finally dying. May her pain be excruciating”.

The tweet generated outrage online before it was deleted.

Carnegie Mellon University in a statement on Twitter expressed reservation over the professor’s tweet.

It acknowledged that the tweet was shared on Uju’s personal Twitter account, stressing that free expression is core to the mission of higher education.

The institution added that the professor’s views do not represent the values of the institution nor the standard of discourse they hope to foster.

The post which has since been deleted by the microblogging platform read: “A statement regarding recent social media posts by Uju Anya: We do not condone the offensive and objectionable messages posted by Uju Anya today on her personal social media account. Free expression is core to the mission of higher education, however, the views she shared absolutely do not represent the value of the institution, nor the standards of discoed we seek to foster”