A barren Nigeria Woman has shared hurtful messages sent to her by anonymous persons on WhatsApp.
While she prayed, cried, fasted and went through all kinds of fertility treatments for her condition, she said she received painful messages from persons she did not know.
The messages mocked her, and called her out for claiming she was a virgin when she got married.
One of the text messages advised her to consider adoption while another asked her to try infidelity since her husband may be impotent. The sender told her to get pregnant anyhow and have an imbecile instead of remaining childless.
Omobolanle Adeyemo had been married for 2 years, 5 months without a child. Apparently, the most hurtful message which she undertook to share was sent to her by someone who wanted to marry her. Unfortunately, she chose her husband over him. The sender also mocked her husband’s inability to get her pregnant, describing him as impotent.
According to her, one of the damning messages came while she was in the middle of the trauma of a miscarriage.
Adeyemo spoke about how she hurt even more when she saw the messages at that very moment. She added that the painful messages made her question herself especially since, indeed, she got married as a virgin.
Omobolanle said she cried so much just like Hannah in the bible and equally prayed God to remove her shame.
Gladly, after the messages and the waiting,, she got pregnant and now has her own biological baby boy !
She magnanimously counselled her mocker that God with whom nothing is impossible, is capable of turning things around in a split second.
The messages and Omobolanle’s response:

Read also:
Barren Woman Shares Hurtful Messages Sent to Her