Couple in bed, black woman with smartphone and nosy man, cheating and suspicion for affair, unfaith.
A lady can love you with her whole heart but still marry who is ready AND still goes back for premium knacking from the one he truly loves.
Reason we have ADULTEROUS housewives all over the world.
And the one whom they love with their whole heart becomes the father to the first child of the one who is ready.
That’s why a lot of men are fathering another man’s child (ren) unknowingly.
In fact the bitter truth is that 70% of women did not marry whom they love but who is READY to play band in their father’s compound, buy drinks and food for the society, rent canopies and give them the title ‘MRS’.
That’s why some married ladies still sleep with their Exes and as a result, paternity fraud is on the high side.
Because the society we live in have attached more priority and importance to the word marriage than Love and what love entails.
It’s a sorry situation… And that’s why we have many divorcees and unhappy marriages.
The car and money you think you have will give you a woman but certainly not
Her heart.
What am I trying to say here??????
THE BEGINNING OF INFIDELITY IN MARRIAGE begins the very moment you use your car and money to marry a lady who was comfortable with her poor boyfriend sipping garri together in one room apartment. Just because you have money you went ahead and marry her.
Listen, when you approach a woman and you found out that she’s in love with someone else probably the man is poor, don’t use your money to take the woman away from the man. If not, you will regret for the rest of your life.
She will marry you no doubt because all her mates are getting married and also to please the parents BUT will go back to sleep with her poor ex boyfriend because that’s whom she truly loves not you.
That’s why some Married Women no longer have feelings for their husbands after marriage. SEX now become a war.
It is as if they are in bondage because this is not the man they supposed to ended up with.
They settled for whom is ready not whom they love and this is the BEGINNING OF INFIDELITY IN MARRIAGE.
You may not agree with me shaa but this is the bitter truth.
Courtesy: James Julian