Benjamin Netanyahu Replaced by Nafthali Bennett as Israeli Prime Minister

Benjamin Netanyahu Replaced by Nafthali Bennett as Israeli Prime Minister


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been replaced Naftali Bennett of Yamina Party.

This puts an end to to Netanyahu’s 12-year reign as Prime Minister by Netanyahu.

Bennet will lead a record-breaking coalition of parties approved with a razor-thin majority of 60-59.

He will hold on to power until September 2023 when he hands over to Yair Lapid, leader of the centrist Yesh Atid for another 2 years.

BBC reports however, that Netanyahu will remain the leader of the right-wing Likud party and become the leader of the opposition.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden who is currently at the G7 Summit in the UK has already sent a congratulatory message to Bennett.

Benjamin Netanyahu has served an unprecedented five terms, from 1996 to 1999, and from 2009 to 2021.

He called an election in April 2019 but failed to win enough support to form a new coalition government. Two more elections followed, each of which were inconclusive.

A third election ended in a government of national unity where he agreed to share power with the opposition leader, Benny Gantz, at that time

Unfortunately the agreement did not hold, resulting in a fourth election.

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Benjamin Netanyahu Replaced

Netanyahu currently serves as Leader of the Opposition and as the chairman of the Likud – National Liberal Movement