Bill Gates' Vaccine has 40 Volunteers Ready for Trial

Bill Gates’ Vaccine has 40 Volunteers Ready for Trial

Coronavirus Pandemic News - Women's Perspective

Bill Gates’ vaccine now has 40 people volunteering to be “guinea pigs” in Kansas City as at Wednesday this week.

The coronavirus vaccine will be administered beneath the skin instead of the usual muscle jabs. One of the researchers said it will feel like  just a pinch on the skin.

Main sponsor is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They aim to see if it is safe enough to administer to the wider human population.

Dr John Ervin of the Centre for Pharmaceutical Research is quoted as saying that they are getting so many volunteers. He adds that “it’s the most important trial that we’ve ever done.”

According to the team of researchers, the experiment using a vaccine candidate is developed by Inovio Pharmaceuticals. It aims to combat a disease that has halted the social and economic lives of the human race.

Irrespective of the level of success, the vaccine will not be available for use until at least one year after the initial tests.

Test locations are Kansas City lab and the University of Pennsylvania. Each volunteer will get 2 jabs of the vaccine code-name INO-4800. The test will be administered 4 weeks apart.

When injected into the human body, the cells act as a mini-factory that produces harmless copies of the disease. This triggers the immune system to make protective antibodies against them. The antibodies are primed in readiness for any real virus.

The Pharmaceutical company is collaborating with Chinese authorities to carry out the same study in China.

Bill Gates Vaccine is being tested at a time when many research groups are equally developing covid-19 vaccines across the world.

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