Boris Johnson Extends UK Lockdown

Boris Johnson Extends UK Lockdown

Coronavirus Pandemic News - Women's Perspective

PM Boris Johnson extends UK lockdown to further stem the tide of covid19 infections.

In his press briefing yesterday, he thanked Britons for their discipline and sacrifice in what would have been a major catastrophe. He told them that their effort has resulted in reduced death rates and hospital admissions.

According to Boris Johnson, the sacrifices of everyone contributed to stamping down the coronavirus disease, a pandemic that posed the most vicious threat in his lifetime.

He stressed that “it is a fact that by adapting those measures, we prevented this country from being engulfed by what would have been a catastrophe in which the reasonable worst case scenario was half a million fatalities.

While recognising the impact of the lockdown on the social financial, physical and mental health of everyone, he advised that it would be inconceivable to throw away all they have achieved by hurrying to reopen businesses.

He added that “we must reverse the awful epidemics in care homes and in the NHS, and though the numbers are coming down sharply now, there is plainly much more to be done. 

As Boris Johnson extends UK lockdown, he advises that people should work from home and go to their office premises only if they must.

He however, recognises that there are people like construction and manufacturing workers who must be at their sites. In that case, they must avoid public transport and commute in their cars or bicycles or even walk.

Other measures expected of citizens:
  1. Undertake unlimited amounts of outdoor exercise
  2. Sit in the sun in local parks but limit interactions to immediate households
  3. Obey the rules for social distancing as fines will be handed violators
Phased easing of lockdown:

“At the earliest by June 1 after half term – we believe we may be in a position to begin the phased re-opening of shops and to get primary pupils back into schools, in stages, beginning with reception, Year 1 and year 6.

“Our ambition is that secondary pupils facing exams next year will get at least some time with their teachers before the holidays. 

“And we will shortly be setting out detailed guidance on how to make it work in schools and shops and on transport.

“At the earliest by July, and subject to all these conditions and further scientific advise; if and only if the numbers support it, we will hope to reopen at least some of the hospitality industry and other public places, provided they are safe and enforce social distancing.

“Throughout this period, of the next two months, we will be driven not by mere hope or economic necessity.We are going to be driven by science, the data and public health.

“And to prevent re-infection, from abroad, I am serving notice that it will soon be time – with transmission significantly lower – to impose quarantine on people coming into this country by air.”

The prime minister says he will review the envisaged ease of lockdown if there are spikes in cases.

Read also:

Boris Johnson and health Secretary Matt Hancock Test Positive to Coronavirus
