42 New Cases of Covid-19 Confirmed

Bribery for Covid19 Vaccination at Falomo Medical Centre (video)

Coronavirus Pandemic

Massive bribery and corruption has been reported at the Falomo Medical Centre where the AstraZeneca covid19 vaccination is ongoing.

Staff were sighted by Arise News subverting the laid down process and taking bribes for the vaccines from individuals especially Indians.

A separate door was opened for those willing to take the vaccine from the backdoor while every other person waits outside in the sun, frustrated and exhausted

Reports further say that touts announce for those willing to fast track their vaccination to go through the back door to get preferential treatment.

The process of the bribery according to TVC news is that the touts collect money form willing members of the public, through the back door, they then get booked within a few minutes and get vaccinated almost immediately.

Arise News further describes the vaccine centre as a “cesspool of corruption.” where staff purposely ensure that the place is disorganised “so as to enable their illicit activities.”

Acccording to the report, “over 25 Indians got vaccinated within a short time.”

In the meantime, Every State in the country has received its AstraZeneca vaccine except for Kogi State whose Governor and Presidential Aspirant, Yahaya Bello Says Covid19 Vaccine Is Developed To “Kill Us”

·Some shameless Nigerians have started racketeering Covid19 vaccine at Falomo. Must we debase our citizens everytime? Once some Nigerians sees money, they can sell or even kill their brothers.

Read also:

Covax Vaccine Consignment Receives Royal Welcome in Nigeria (video)

Bribery for Covid19 Vaccination