Mrs Ojomachenwu Adaidu, mother of Salome, a 24-year-old corps member who was murdered by an Abuja gospel...
Stories from the heart
Maxwell Ajah, the real boyfriend of Salome Eleojo Adaidu, has opened up about his final moments with...
A Nigerian woman, known only as Ella, has called for justice after the tragic d3ath of her...
Ojomachenwu Adaidu, the mother of late Salome Adaidu, has shared her last conversation with her daughter, who...
A friend of the lady recently murdered by a gospel singer, Salome Eleojo Adaidu has shared new...
Mrs Adenike Okunaya, mother of a three-year-old pupil assaulted by a teacher at Ikorodu, Lagos-based Christ-Mitots School,...
The mother of the 3-year-old boy who was abused by a teacher identified as Mrs Stella Nwadigo...
No less than 21 people, mostly women and children, who lost their lives in a stampede that...
An elder statesman whom many describe as the father of the Pentecostal movement in Nigeria, Pastor Enoch...
Nigeria Police Force has arrested a woman identified as Ihsanatu Shaaibu for physically assaulting her 5-year-old step...