Conflicting Reports about Chaos in Mile 12, (video)

Conflicting Reports about Chaos in Mile 12, (video)

Breaking News !

There are viral videos of conflicting reports about chaos at the popular Mile 12 food market.

Some videos show pedestrians scampering to safety, others show a calm atmosphere with buyers and sellers going about their businesses peacefully.

An eyewitness said that the conflict is between Hausa and Yoruba boys.

Nevertheless, discretion is advised and if possible, avoid the area completely.

· “I’m just leaving this side of the market, I went to buy tomatoes and peppers and truly no fight is ongoing here. The part where the fight is happening is after agility towards owode. You’re not wrong and the poster isn’t wrong either.”

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Hunger Looming ! Mile 12 Market Looted, Burnt Down !

Mile 12 chaos

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