Covax Vaccine Consignment Receives Royal Welcome in Nigeria (video)

Covax Vaccine Consignment Receives Royal Welcome in Nigeria (video)

"Gist" Coronavirus Pandemic

As with everything Nigerian, the first consignment of the OxfordAstraZeneca from #COVAX vaccine received a royal welcome when it landed the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja today.

The pomp and pageantry was only expected. The Asoebi was however replaced with reflective jackets.

Traditional dancers were expected but perhaps discouraged by covid19 safety protocols.

A banner was mounted showing Nigeria’s joy to see it arrive. The banner red ‘Reception Ceremony for the Arrival of Covid19 Vaccines in Nigeria.’

However, a massive crowd was on ground to see the cargo plane arrive as they also watched it offload its royal cargo.

The cutting of the tape did not take place during today’s covax vaccine royal welcome party but Nigerians expect it to happen once the inoculations kick off.

As expected, speeches were nonetheless given by a few senior government officials to the admiration of pressmen and the general public.

Nigerians look forward to the President, State Governors and heads of parastatals as well as their spouses and children take the vaccine in full public glare to convince everyone that it is safe.

Read also:

Nigeria Receives Its Consignment of AstraZeneca/Oxford Covax Vaccines

Covax Vaccine Royal Welcome

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