Covid19 Vaccine for Nigeria: NAFDAC Approves Oxford/AstraZeneca

Covid19 Vaccine for Nigeria: NAFDAC Approves Oxford/AstraZeneca

Coronavirus Pandemic

The National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has approved the use of Oxford/AstraZeneca covid19 vaccine for Nigeria.

The Director General of the agency, Mojisola Adeyeye disclosed this on Thursday during a live briefing.

She confirmed that the vaccine can be stored at between 2 to 8 degrees centigrade and can be used used to treat the UK strain of the disease which has been reported in Nigeria.

It was given an expedited review after the approval by the world health body, according to the NAFDAC boss.

Covid19 Vaccine for Nigeria: NAFDAC Approves Oxford/AstraZeneca

The DG added that that in addition to the already approved vaccine, two others are undergoing evaluation.

These are beside the 30 herbal medications which are being reviewed for listing.

Dr Adeyeye said that that the South African variant of the disease ha not been found in Nigeria.

She disclosed that with the approval of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine by W H O, and having obtained the dossier aweek ago, NAFDAC immediately sang into action to evaluate its efficacy for Nigerians.

It is the second covid19 vaccine to be approved by W H O after the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine.

Read also:

Chloroquine Production Urgently Ordered by NAFDAC for Clinical Trial for Covid-19

 COVID-19 vaccine developed by Oxford University 

Covid19 Vaccine for Nigeria: NAFDAC Approves Oxford/AstraZeneca