Derek Chauvin Jailed 22 Years for Killing George Floyd

K!ller of George Floyd St*bbed over 20 Times in Prison (video)

Derek Chauvin, the former police officer accused of killing George Floyed has been jailed for 22 and half years.

CNN reporter who witness the ruling by the Hennepin Court Judge, Peter Cahill, in his ruling on Friday said that “the sentence is not based on emotion or sympathy, but I want to acknowledge the pain both families are feeling, especially George Floyd’s.

I am not basing my sentencing on any public opinion, the job of the trial court is to apply the law,” he said

The sentence was passed after Minnesota Assistant Attorney General, Mathew Frank demanded for a 30-year jail term for Chauvin.

46-year-old Georrge Floyd died on the 25th of May, 2020 when Derek Chauvin gave him a chock-hold by kneeling on his neck after forcing him face-down on the floor.

Chauvin was charged with a third-degree murder and manslaughter which some blacks and protesters of #blacklivesmatter believed were too lenient for the grevious crime.

On his part, Minnesota Attorney General, Keith Ellison later announced that the charges against Chauvin have been upgraded to a second degree murder and that new charges have been filed against the other three police officers involved in the crime.

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Chauvin Jailed 22 Years

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