Huge Divorce Payment Notwithstanding, Jeff Bezos Set to Become World's First Trillionaire

Huge Divorce Payment Notwithstanding, Jeff Bezos Set to Become World’s First Trillionaire

News - Women's Perspective

A huge divorce payment to ex-wife, MacKenzie Bezos notwithstanding, Jeff Bezos is set to become the world’s ever trillionaire.

This is going by the rate at which the value of his company, Amazon is rising. The share price of of his stocks continue to spike as governments across the world sustain all manners of lockdown in their countries. People are therefore compelled to make purchases online and the most ready avenue is Amazon.

Jeff Bezos sustains leadership of world’s richest men despite a huge divorce payment of $36 billion worth of his Amazon shares in divorce claims to his ex-wife in the summer of 2019.

If the lockdowns continue, it will continue to impact the online shopping platform as well as Jeff Bezos’s earnings. Already, he is the world’s richest man for year 2020. He has however remained lucky as 58 people dropped out of the world’s list of billionaires according to Forbes list of March, 2020.

Despite companies across the world shutting down or downsizing, Amazon recorded a 15% rise in shares compared to Forbes list of 2019. It is reported to be hiring over 100,000 full and part time workers as online shopping rises.

Forbes reports that “2,095 billionaires were recorded, 58 fewer than a year ago and 226 fewer than 12 days earlier. Of the billionaires who remain, 51% are poorer than they were last year. In real terms, the world’s billionaires are worth $8 trillion, down $700 billion from 2019.”

According to Investopedia however, John D. Rockefeller is held to be the world’s first official billionaire, achieving that status in 1916 largely through his ownership of Standard Oil.”

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