BREAKING NEWS ! Family and Friends Speak About Usifo Ataga (video)

Family and Friends Speak About Usifo Ataga (video)

Breaking News !

The video of Chidinma describing how late Usifo Ataga was killed has attracted the reaction of his friends and family members.

The 21-year-old insists that no one is influencing her statements or making her recant her former story line.

in her recent interview with Crime Fighters, she died killing the late billionaire saying she claimed she killed him because non one would have believed she did not.

On the part, the police described her denial of culpability as “the trait of an average criminal.” Odumosu insisted that the police has risked the lives of its personnel to fish the suspected murderer out and they will not leave any stone unturned at this stage.

Chidinma’s adopted father declined speaking with Crime Fighters on the ongoing saga but the friends and family members of the deceased spoke about him.

His best friend Okoedo Adomi, told crime fighters about his last contact with him and how he called him many times afterwards but to no avail.

Usifo’s business partners showed Adomi the responses to the text messages that Usifo allegedly sent him. He added that the level of English and style of communication was not that of Usifo that he knew and suspected foul play.

He decided to join the family to do a search.

The late CEO of Super TV’s cousin, Barr Franklyn Ufua said “Usifo grew up as a child who was raised by very good parents in a Christianly manner and is a guy who always had business in his DNA.

“What I will tell you about Usifo is that Usifo is very respectable. Usifo will never hurt a fly. Usifo loves people.Usifo goes beyond his immediate family to know his cousins, to know his uncles.

“I’ve had the very regrettable privilege of seeing that dead body 5 times. My cousin’s hands were tied so badly that the rope entered his skin.

“The rope is right there as an exhibit with the police. That binding could not have been done by that lady alone. No. It is not possible, even if he was drugged. It is not possible because I saw the lady and I saw my cousin and I said, this is not possible.

“Apart from the fact that he was tied, there were multiple stabs on his body. that is correct, multiple ! So that story of 2 stabs is not correct. He was stabbed in other places, his legs.

“In fact, in Yaba mortuary the attendants were so dramatic… they told us that the stabbing here (on the side of the stomach) was so bad that it is a hole.

“The guy stuck his 2 fingers into my cousin’s body, in my presence. he was stabbed on his jugular vein twice and on his body multiple times.

Family and Friends Speak About Usifo Ataga
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Chidinma Still Talking: Ataga Gets Angry Easily (video)


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