Former South African President Jacob Zuma Jailed

Former South African President Jacob Zuma Jailed


Former President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma has been jailed for contempt of court.

The 79-year-old former president is sentenced to 15 months in prison on Tuesday for refusing to appear before an anti-corruption panel investigating corruption charges against him.

The sentence was issued by acting Chief Justice Sisi Khampepe in a ruling in Johannesburg.

According to the judge, “the Constitutional Court can do nothing but conclude that Mr Zuma is guilty of the crime of contempt of court.”

This sends an unequivocal message in this our constitutional dispensation, the rule of law and the administration of justice prevails,” Khampepe said.

Jacob Zuma was accused of aiding and abetting the plunder of state funds during the nine years he led South Africa. He was as a result compelled to step down in 2018.

Well over 500 billion rand ($35 billion) was alleged to have been stolen from the government under his watch. The recklessness prompted the South African Constitutional Court in January, to order him to respond to questions from a judicial commission headed by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo.

Jacob Zuma repeatedly shunned court invitations accusing the court and Zondo of bias. His actions resulted in the decision of the court to file contempt charges against him.

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Zuma was elected President of South Africa from the 2009 general election until his resignation on 14 February 2018

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