Government will not Compel Anybody to Take Covid19 Vaccine

Government will not Compel Anybody to Take Covid19 Vaccine

Coronavirus Pandemic

The Presidential Taskforce on Covid19 has advised that government will not compel anybody to take the vaccine.

The disclosure was made when the National Coordinator, Dr Sani Aliyu featured as a guest on ‘ Sunday politics on Channels Television

He however, advised that it is necessary that everybody gets the vaccine and that government will ensure that as many Nigerians as possible take the vaccine.

Government will not Compel Anybody to Take Covid19 Vaccine
Dr Sani Aliyu

According to him, “Government will not press you down and inject you with the vaccine, no, it is going to be voluntary but it will be free and it will initially be a specific group of people.

“We are going to prioritise health care workers, we are going to prioritise the elderly, those above the age of 60 because these are the set of people that are most likely to have severe Covid19 infection.”

Aliyu also said that “we look forward to having the vaccine in the coming 4 weeks and hopefully the first batch will arrive by the end of January and those people who don’t want to vaccinate, we will try as much as we can to convince them.”

Dr Aliyu advised everyone to take the vaccine especially those who want to travel out of the country because countries will soon begin to demand the certificate before granting visitors entry into their territories.

He added that “if the vaccine was available today in this country, I will have it and my family will have it, and I am sure that vast majority of Nigerians will accept the vaccine because the vaccine together with the non-pharmaceutical interventions, is the only way we can get on top of this epidemic.”

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Nigeria Now Officially in Second Wave of Covid19


Government will not Compel Anybody to Take Covid19 Vaccine