Heart-rending Story of 25-Year Old Suffocated by Covid19

Heart-rending Story of 25-Year Old Suffocated by Covid19

A heart-rending story of a 25-year old man who was suffocated to death by complications arising from covid19 emerged yesterday.

The young man is heard begging for oxygen and reports say he was at it for the better part f the previous day and night in an Isolation centre in Ogun State.

He cried all to the health workers all day and night: “don’t let me die, oxygen, don’t let me die, oxygen, oxygen …”

Reports say, he gave up the ghost at about 5:30am haven struggled to breath for hours.

A friend of his, who incidentally is a medical doctor, shared the heart-rending story as he was also distressed that he could not help his dying friend.

Ventilators have been in short supply the world over as COVID19 cases continue to rise. Most recorded deaths are as a result of blocked respiratory organs arising from built up, hardened phlegm that blocks the lungs.

According to medical practitioners, other recorded deaths also occur when the virus preys on underlining illnesses like diabetes, organ ailments, hypertension and so on.

With the rising cases of infections in Nigeria, isolation centres in the country’s epicentres are already filled to capacity. Bed spaces are also completely taken.

Health workers are currently battling to manage patients who already made it to their facilities. Responding to distress calls have not been handled effectively largely because health workers are overwhelmed.

It is hoped that a cure is found soon enough to avoid the rate of fatalities and heart-rending incidences recorded in Europe and America.

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