High Cost of Diesel Force Radio Stations Cut Work Hours

High Cost of Diesel Forces Radio Stations Cut Work Hours

News - Women's Perspective

Radio Stations in the country have begun to cut hours of operation due to high cost of diesel.

There has indeed not been adequate power supply across the country for several weeks forcing many businesses to hike cost of line items or reduce operations costs.

Some others have also been forced to further lay off staff members to stay in business. This is in spite of the fact that many of the staff are forced to work from home to reduce costs of on-site operations.

Some of the announcements by radio stations were made available to Hetty’s Media by staff members who prefer not to be mentioned.

Diesel is currently selling at between N550 and N650 per litre at petrol stations across the country.

High Cost of Diesel Force Radio Stations Cut Work Hours
High Cost of Diesel Force Radio Stations Cut Work Hours
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High Cost of Diesel Force Radio Stations Cut Work Hours