‘How Unregistered Tiger Nuts Drink Caused Ravaging Cholera in Lagos

News - Women's Perspective Wellness

The Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Health, Dr Kemi Ogunyemi, has spoken about the ravaging cholera outbreak in Lagos.

Speaking during an interview, the special adviser speaks to Victoria Edeme on the cholera outbreak in the state and what caused it.

The interview:

What specific factors contributed to the increased prevalence of cholera in those particular areas and regions you mentioned?

When there’s an outbreak like this, we have Environmental Health Services officials from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environment who go around ensuring that the environment is kept clean.

So when we noticed an increase in cases in Eti-Osa Local Government Area of Lagos specifically, we went there to investigate. We carried out a survey and found that the common denominator, which was one of the deadly factors, was a tiger nut drink.

People who came to the hospitals all identified that they had drunk tiger nut drink. We couldn’t just take their word for it, so we had to take that drink and test it to see what was in it. We immediately sent people out to look for those selling it so we could take a sample.

We found empty bottles with a name on them, but we discovered that it wasn’t even registered with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, the regulatory body that ensures the safety of consumables. There was a phone number and a name on the bottle, and we started tracing. We did contact tracing, similar to what we did with COVID-19. We combed the area to ask people where they got the drinks from. We couldn’t find any full bottles. We only found empty ones, which were of no use because we could not test them.

The phone number on the bottle was not reachable. From our investigations, we realised that the beverages were not registered, so the producers hadn’t gone through the processes to ensure that what they were producing was safe for the public to consume. We traced it to that.

Of course, cholera is also water-borne, so we took samples of the water to test it. The bottom line is that we took stool samples because different things cause diarrhoea. It could be anything else. We found out that it was confirmed cholera, specifically Vibrio cholera subtype 01, which is the most infectious and aggressive type. There are different types, but we identified this one.

In Lagos Island, Eti-osa, and Kosofe, we recorded the highest number of cases that went to the hospital. I’m not talking about reported cases. These are the people who did the right thing by going to the hospital to complain of symptoms, and they were treated. That’s when we were alerted.

When the hospitals report cases, we are notified, and we set up an emergency office in Yaba to swing into action. That’s what we’ve been doing since. We continue to test everyone’s stool specimens. Unfortunately, we can’t test everyone because most have already taken antibiotics, which doesn’t give us a good sample. We test those who just came and have not taken anything at home. Hence, part of our campaign is to advise people not to take antibiotics. Pharmacists should not sell them antibiotics. They should come straight to the hospital for testing.

We provide oral rehydration therapy, which is crucial during cholera symptoms. It doesn’t mean the other local governments didn’t have cases, they did, but the numbers started decreasing. We were quite relieved because there was a day when we didn’t have any new cases.

However, we anticipated an increase after the Ileyah celebrations, which indeed happened. Unfortunately, we also had an increase in deaths. That’s the unfortunate part. More people have d!ed, and about three of them were already d3ad upon arrival from home. From our history, we realised they had diarrhoea and vomiting for the past two or three days, but they never came to the hospital. They were probably treating themselves locally, which we advise against. That’s how we know. We’re hoping for a decline as we continue our efforts in the community.

The earlier data before the festivities recorded 15 fatalities. What is the case now?

It has increased. As of Thursday morning, we had 21 cases. During an emergency meeting around 11 pm on Wednesday, we received information that someone had d!ed within an hour or two of arriving at the hospital from home. This individual did not just develop diarrhoea on that day but had been at home.

The incident could have occurred before Ileyah or around that time, but we are reporting the death now because it happened recently. It’s not a new case that occurred on Wednesday; it’s a new case that has been reported, unfortunately resulting in death.

Aside from diarrhoea and vomiting, what other cholera symptoms should residents know?

It begins with abdominal pain. That’s the initial symptom. Following that, there is diarrhoea. Some cases may also present with fever, though not all. Additional symptoms include vomiting, muscle pains, and cramps, primarily due to the loss of electrolytes. Others include a rapid heart rate and general malaise.

Fatigue and tiredness are also common due to the significant loss of water, which carries essential electrolytes like potassium, vitamins, and magnesium. These losses lead to muscle pain and cramps. While watery diarrhoea is the most typical symptom, not all instances of diarrhoea indicate cholera.

Some people experience diarrhoea that resolves, but true cholera manifests as profuse watery diarrhoea, almost like water itself, as the bacteria in the small intestine absorb water from the body, causing it to pass quickly through the intestines.

How quickly do these symptoms typically appear after infection, and how is cholera diagnosed?

It varies depending on the amount of bacteria in the body. Symptoms can start within a few hours if the bacteria are already present in your system after consuming contaminated food or water.

The onset also varies among individuals, similar to COVID-19 where the virus multiplies differently in different people. Some may experience symptoms within two to five days, but with cholera, symptoms can manifest in as little as 24 hours.

Once symptoms appear, it’s crucial to seek medical attention immediately. During outbreaks like the current one, we typically suspect cholera based on symptoms, but confirmation requires a stool specimen.

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has distributed rapid diagnostic tests to all hospitals, enabling immediate testing on-site. Samples are also sent to labs for confirmatory tests.

Upon arrival at the hospital, anyone presenting with diarrhoea or vomiting receives immediate intravenous infusion for rehydration, regardless of test results.

Hydration is prioritised to replace lost fluids and electrolytes, crucial for kidney function and overall health. Some patients arriving late required dialysis to manage dehydration-related complications.

For those unable to reach a hospital promptly, we recommend oral rehydration with boiled, clean water, a pinch of salt, and a teaspoon of sugar mixed thoroughly. This temporary measure helps maintain electrolyte balance until professional medical care is accessed, ensuring their well-being until they receive proper treatment at a hospital.

In the areas affected in Lagos, how significantly has this outbreak impacted their health and daily lives?

Due to the sensitisation and campaigns, we’re conducting in all those communities, people know they have to be careful because of the outbreak. We revisited the Eti-osa area and did not find a single person selling tiger nut drinks. So the communities are devoid of all those beverages right now.

People are aware, and that’s our goal. We want that awareness so that people are careful. We hope people are boiling their water, ensuring they’re washing their hands, and also taking responsibility by informing others not to defecate outside in the streets.

Sadly, people continue these practices in their daily lives. Lagosians are very resilient, and we believe this has spread to other states. We know of a case where someone travelled from Lagos to Oyo State and then started showing symptoms, resulting in cases in Oyo State. So the NCDC is monitoring the situation across Nigeria, not just in Lagos State.

Lagos State is typically where things originate due to our overpopulation and clustering of people. Many people have travelled to Lagos for festivities and returned to their states, contributing to the spread. It has also been reported in other states, with Bayelsa being the first after Lagos. Therefore, the NCDC is working diligently, providing support for Lagos and all other states.